Drive-ins and Regional Meetings

HECMA Regional Drive-In Guidelines

HECMA Regional Drive-Ins are opportunities for case managers around the country to gather and discuss topics relevant to the field of higher education case management. Regional drive-ins provide an additional opportunity for case management professionals to connect with other professionals in their area and share best practices. Regional drive-ins are designed to be excellent opportunities for institutional connections, focused conversations and professional development. 


How can HECMA support a regional drive-in? 

  • Registration: 
    • Create and manage registration for drive-in
    • Manage collection of registration fee (if applicable)
  • Disbursing Funds: 
    • The distribution and use of these funds is to be determined between the HECMA Leadership and Regional Drive-in Representative depending on the needs of the institution and drive-in.  Proper receipts and documentation of the funds will be required.
  • Promoting Event: 
    • Posting & promoting on HECMA website and social media platforms
    • Email outreach from HECMA
      • Invitation/registration email sent to membership 4 weeks in advance
      • Put in quarterly newsletter (if applicable) 
    • Update website with event details and registration link
    • Access to HECMA branding and logo for marketing materials 
  • Provide information:
    • HECMA will provide marketing materials to attendees and invite them to become members of HECMA 


How to request hosting a HECMA Regional Drive-in:

  • Contact HECMA Leadership Team ( to discuss location, intended attendees, proposed dates/timeline, and budget
  • Complete the regional drive-in Drive-in and Local Meeting Notification Form to inform HECMA leadership to coordinate promotion of event on selected platforms. 
  • HECMA Leadership Team member will be in touch with the Regional Drive-In Representative within 1 week of the completion of the notification form. 


*We request notification of the Regional Drive-In at least 8 weeks prior to the planned date(s), in order to ensure sufficient time to allocate funds and proper promotion of the event to membership. If a request is made with less than an 8 weeks notice, HECMA will review and provide support as available.