Psychosis and Academic Performance, 2004, British Journal of Psychiatry

Psychosis and Academic Performance, 2004, British Journal of Psychiatry

Journal article about positive impact of psychosis on academic performance

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Resilience, Mental Health and Academic Persistence, 2011, Journal of American College Health

Journal article about relationship of resilience, mental health and academic performance/success.

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Curriculum Infusion as College Student Mental Health Promotion Strategy, 2012, Journal of College Student Psychtherapy

Journal article about increasing faculty involvement in suicide prevention and mental health promotion by curriculum infusion

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Individual, interpersonal, and Institutional Level Factors Associated with the Mental Health of College Students, 2012, Journal of American College Health

Journal article about individual, interpersonal and institutional level factors that are associated with mental health of college students

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Attitudes and Beliefs About Treatment Among College Students with Untreated Mental Health Problems

Journal article about study around students’ attitudes towards mental health treatment

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